Deep Feelings For Taylor (To: Taylor Hanson) Deep feelings are in me now, They just came, I don't know how,
Feelings below, feelings above, I think these feelings might be of love. Sometimes the feelings, just won't
go away, Sometimes I just want these feelings to stay. When I think of you, my heart fills with pain And
then my tears fall and fall like rain. My love for you, it is so true, But the sad part is, I can never
have you.
A Tribute For Taylor! Taylor is as cute, as cute can be His eyes shine, like the heavenly sea His
gorgious smile brightens up my day It makes my tears run away He's caring, sensitive, loving and sweet Without
him my life wouldn't be complete. Taylor is like a rose that gors and gros. In the sunlite he looks ilke an angel.
Smack Dab In The Middle Of Nowhere
Nowhere is where I'm going so I don't have far to go So
i'll let my mind dwell on Taylor Hanson, he's the greatest guyI know. If he could only know my thoughts, how he's in most
of them, He'd call me up most every night and let me talk to him. But knowing me if he did, I'd be toungtied and wouldn't
know what to say, Cause then my only thoughts would be, my gosh i've talked to Tay. Dream on oh silly dreamer is what
I what I feel inside, Cause I know this dream will not come true so I feel like running off somewhere and find someplace
to hide. So in the middle of nowhere is where you'll find me, Except unless that dream comes true I said could never
be. So Taylor if you're dreaming too, and if you dream of me, Then look in the middle of nowhere, cause that is where
i'll be.
my dad worte this poem for me he die dec 25 2003
so i well keep this poem verry colse to my heart
rip dad
This Time Around They said we only go around once I've come to belive it,s true So while
I am going around I want to do it with you This time around This time around So while I'm going around
I want to do it with you This time around
If Only If only I could see Tay's face in the sunlight don't look at me...I'd probably get all sappy
on poor Tay If only I cold meet in the sunlight If only he knew how i felt about him If only I could meet
you, Tay, in the sunlight you would look like an angel that came to me in a dream If only I had the guts
to tell him If only he would stop going through my head If only he wasn't every single thought in my mind If
only he would come and hold me while I cry I'd tell him why If only he would feel the same way
I'll Reach Out For Your Hand Hanson I'll reach out for your hand
I'll reach out for your hand, I'll be there, I'll stick by you when
you neead a fan to be there I'll reach out for your hand I'll come
to you, when nobody else will. :O)
i well come to you when you call my name and ill be right there by your side to help you threw
the bad times in your live i well come to you in the night when you nead a friend by your
side and when you think no one cares about you in your livfe i well come to you when
your crying when your herting in side i well come to you when the mights get soo bad and
loney and sad
I,ll Never Say Good bye If some one really herts you and you feel no longer careI just want you to know
I will always be there When you need a hand to hold Or support thorught trubled time I want you
to never forget You can always hold mine In good times and in bad You always brought a smile to my face And
I know no one on earth Could never take your place And if you ever need someone When others have passed you by
I only want you to know That I,ll never say goodbye Frinds will come and friends will go But I will never
leave And that is the one true thing That I want you to believe You can put your trust in me Cause I will
never ever lie And you can always and forever know I,ll never say goodbye
Hanson came in our lives in late 97 There voices sounds like angels in the light you will smile
when you here them sing they will make you happy when you are sad when you dont think no one
cares about you Hanson came to us in a mmmbop so Hanson plase dont go away form us we all love you
The ghost of you and me i watched you fade away As you walk away form me all i see is the ghost of
you and me i hear the voices in my mind of what you said to me when you said it was over
between us now all i see is the ghost of you and me now i set here wondering what i did
worng to make you leave me
I will all ways remember you
ill remember all the good times
we shared I know its time
for you to go to heaven
ill try not to cry
but its hard
to let you
go and fly
were the heavens
are but remember
I well all ways love you

Happy Birthday Taylor My wish for you is Happiness In everything you do Joyful days and nights of smiles
All meant especially for you. My wish for you is Love The everlasting kind Deep and true and forever more
The love I pray you find. My wish for you is Peace Soft, gentle and deep within The kind of peace that makes
you feel Good with life and all things you begin. Last of allbut very important Dreams...are my wish for you Follow
your heart to search for those dreams And it will lead you to happiness so true. These wishes and more I make for
you Because you are so dear I pray that they will all come true With Happiness always near ~Written
by Angie on March 3,2001.
always he dedicated to my inspiration (taylor hanson)
my pain only grows greater with ever breath of ever waken moment
not that i live but that i die with out him for there's an image that haunts my mind
an bestills my heart for ever night without him is a sleepless night cold
is what i always seem to be without the comfort of his
arms around me arms i long to hold me the pain i feel with in my heart as I know
you'll never know me the pain clouds my mind an inside my heart begins raining
have you ever seen eyes as bright as the sun in the sky's
an as deep as the ocean blue well i have an his have trapped me for over
me he has this hold that will remain until my dying day his arms i long to hold
me his whispers i long to soothe me ever moment of my life is
never ending longing to feel him near me to have his arms hold me close
through the night an end my pain to me he is everything every breath i breath until
my dying day when i hunger i need him to feed mE when i thirst i
need him to quench it please i beg for him to catch me when i
fall an lift me to my feat once again safely he's my shelter in the storm my life
my love an my hearts song he's my eyes if ever i cant see he's the ears i need to
hear my heart beat through the darkness hell lead my
way an bring me safely through another day to be close to him is all i dream
but it never ending for when i wake i know he wont be here with me he's everything
i long to have an even more what i long to be all i need of him is
to speak my name to fulfill me for his tender words an gentle
voice so much like an angel soothe me when it comes to how i feel the words are left
unspoken for when i had the chance to speak i opened my mouth an my
voice failed me my words were lost in fear of ever speaking
what i feel to fall upon his ears so now hell never know me an alone in my heart i long
to be close to someone who will never know me .for in the night he is
my dream that remains when i wake that i carry in my heart
every waken moment of each day as i go on yet without him i still remain here all alone
as the loneliness with in my life consumes me i open my eyes to the image
of him that brings me joy an as a thousand times my tears
fall down like rain i need him to kiss them away for all i want is for him to be close
by my side an always in my heart for i know he is only my every wish the only
object of my desire the one that i love true he opened
the door to my heart for only he held the key an deep inside that love that
hides he let it flow free fOR AS as for me there is but only one that holds my heart
that angel with the hair of gold that set me free the one who
showed me what heaven was like an set my heart on fire his name rings
in my ears an vision throughout my life from now until the day i die hell be the one
for me in my eyes forever though hell never see just what he dose to
me for every heart beat within me screams his name because
hell always to me be every thing in heaven an on earth God created nothing with more
beauty then this one who i want to stand before me but when i reach out
he fades away to be nothing more than my hearts memory
dizzy my head is spinning my feet cant touch the ground IM falling more than i already
have i cant steady my self as more of him flood into me over an
over again i scream begging for him to hold me to fill me up
with his love that could only fulfill the emptiness that's the whole with in my heart
that waits for only him to know its true so people say what is love some may
never know but my heart has already found the answer
an will never let it go for in my heart the truth i already find itS something that
is never ending held onto till the end of time