So, you want to find out more about my new campaign ,CtC? Well, you've come to the right place! Welcome to the home of 'CtC...Cut
the Crap' a Anti Anti-Hanson campagain. "Who should be here?" I only really want people on this
page who feel the same way as me. I've had enough of people saying 'Hanson are gay', 'They look like girls', 'Hanson can't
sing' and all that crap we hear way too much. Have you? "Why I don't like Hanson-Haters?" No
one is asking anyone to love Hanson, or to even like Hanson. It's all personal choice. But why do these small minded people
create web sites purley to mock (make fun off) Hanson? They must have extreamly sad lives, and I think that's sad. I actually
quite like Anti-Hanson sites, the graphics and wavs make me laugh, BUT that dosn't mean I agree with their hate for three
normal, talented human beings(ie. Hanson). If you ask me it's a waste of time, why Hanson-haters don't create web sits about
people/bands they do like I'll never understand. I hear and read stories about people who get mocked heaps at school,
and all because they like Hanson. People who get mmmbop sung in their faces constanly just because they think Hanson are good
and those stories make me sad. We should be free to choose who we support and admire and not be forced to change our views
just because someone thinks Hanson are gay. It makes me sick. Think my reasons are good enough? If you agree with
me about all that I just wrote, you've DEFINATLY come to the right place. Simply fill out the form at the bottom of the page
and I'll add you to the list. Then all you've got to do is, if you've got a web-site, Hanson or not Hanson (not Anti-Hanson,
that's just stupid) then put my banner on it! Simple as that. Come on, let's work together and get Hanson where
they belong (Number One, duh!). Here's the form...just a few little clicks, and you're a member! Simple, aye?